We Talk Comics LIVE at Calgary Expo 2016

Renegade Arts Entertainment Ben Rankel Frank
Frank from Renegade Arts & Entertainment is one of the many great comics coming showcased at the Calgary Expo 2016.

We Talk Comics returns to the Calgary Expo! As the convention was winding down, Keith and Chris set up shop and had one last panel to close out the show. Joined by four Alberta comic creators, they had an engaging discussion for a loyal group of fans.

Finn Lucullan

Ben Rankel

Eric Dyck

Jeff Martin

The discussion ranges broadly as these creators work in radically different genres within comics. Finn draws an agendered space opera, Ben is writing and drawing a historical graphic novel, Eric does biographical shorts, and Jeff is currently doing an alien comedy for Heavy Metal online.

Kicking off the discussion with their favorite breakfast cereals, this unique panel of thoughtful creators talk about working in the webcomics space, how they build an audience base for their work, and telling Canadian stories.

Sit back with a bowl of kohlrabi and enjoy!

Our thanks to the Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo for hosting our panels for a third year.

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